:. Renaissance
Art |
The appearance of fiery chariots
and hovering discs in Renaissance Era paintings - as well as beings
working their controls and/or attired in garb that we commonly recognize
today as spacesuits - proves, at least, that UFOs were being sighted
in medieval times. While no direct connection can be isolated from this,
between space aliens and religious icons, there certainly is a lot of
supernatural phenomena associated in and around these depictions. One possible explanation is that these paintings were commissioned (by the church or the state) to place these phenomena in a deified context. Officially declared to be the vessels of angels, the peasants would ask fewer annoying questions - that likely, the clergy of the day had scant answers for themselves. It is likely that ancient UFO sightings coincided with important historical and political events - and just as likely that the sightings impressed, or pressured, leaders of the day to take bold, or unusual actions. One set of images depicts a late 8th century battle, in which Saxon Crusaders besieged and surrounded the people of Sigiburg Castle, in France - when suddenly a group of saucers appeared in the sky, apparently hovering over the top of the church. The Saxons fled, believing that the French were being protected by the "flaming shields." It was a very superstitious time - but people, as today, knew what they saw - though they probably had little context to associate with it. While there were certainly no flying machines (designed by humans) in those times, there were sailing ships - people were familiar with portholes. Some depictions illustrate these and other classic UFO details - begging the question: what did the ancients think of flying saucers? Today, we are more comfortable with the idea of beings from outer space. For one thing, we know our world to be a planet, orbiting a star that is one of billions in a rather ordinary galaxy, floating somewhere in the vast reaches of the incalculably infinite universe. People of ancient times were told quite the contrary - that Earth was the center of the universe, the planets were gods, and the stars were fixed points of light on the inside of a celestial sphere. Any close encounter of any kind would most likely have been met with immediate extreme fear and wonder (as is the case today, for the most part), but considered without question to be angels, gods, demons or monsters. Their assertions may have been more on the mark than ours. There were no airplanes, weather balloons, or experimental military jets to explain away the UFOs native to the skies of the pre industrial aeons. Events such as these would not have been as easily dismissed. Would those who witnessed such craft or encountered such beings first hand, be feared as witches, seen as cursed ~ or even blessed? A medieval abductee might descend from the mountain saying, in a reverent but dazed tone, "I have been touched by the angels." |
~ "The Baptism of Christ" ~
Fitzwilliam Musuem, Cambridge, England
Painted in 1710 by Flemish artist Aert De Gelder
depicts a classic, hovering, silvery, saucer shaped UFO
shining beams of light down on John the Baptist and Jesus.
What could have inspired the artist to combine these two subjects?
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"The Crucifixion" hangs above the altar at the Visoki
Decani Monestary in Kosovo, Yugoslavia ~ it was painted in 1350.
On either side of Jesus are a pair of Jetsons like skycars, one chasing the
other ~ the pilots apparently working controls.
The leading craft is decorated with two twinkling stars, one reminiscent of
national insignia on modern aircraft
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Could there possibly have been sightings of UFOs like these,
single pilot craft, in medieval Yugoslavia?
Did people of the time merely imagine the inside and workings ~ or did they
witness it for themselves?
~ "The Madonna with Saint Giovannino" ~
Above Mary's left shoulder is a shining, or glowing, disk shaped object.
A man and his dog can clearly be seen looking up at the floating object in the
composite below.
Painted in the 15th century, Palazzo Vecchio lists the artist as unknown ~ although
attributed to the Lippi school.
Upon closer inspection, the man seems to be looking away from
the UFO, behind him and over his shoulder.
Or, more likely, the notably out of place object may be imagined floating above
the ground between them.
From either perspective, could Mary be seen as blocking the two babies from
the flying saucer's view?
Perhaps the dog glimpses the hovering object ~ with it's mouth open, it could
even be barking at it.
But what is that dark, sparkling, disassembled figure beside them ~ a dwarf,
or an ethereal being?
A body, legs, head, and tail can be made out. Could this represent a type of
alien, or demon?
Also, Mary's halo seems a bit shadowy ~ more like a vaporous disc than a ring
of light.
~ "The Annunciation" ~
painted by Carlo Crivelli in 1486
on display in the National Gallery in London.
A familiar disk shaped object is shining a beam of light
through the house wall and down onto the top of Mary's head.
Much activity is going on in this painting, besides people pointing
~ filled with cryptic symbolism, the meanings lost to modern researchers.
What are the strange, ethereal, almost surreal, objects floating
above Mary's doorway?
Who is it peeking out from the doorway at the top of the alley stairs on the
far left center?
Who is lying on the bed behind Mary ~ and why aren't the people in the street
looking up?
What is the disturbance in the clouds, behind the UFO, exactly opposite the
energy beam?
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"Glorification of the Eucharist"
~ painting by Bonaventura Salimbeni. Painted in 1600, today it hangs in the church of San Lorenzo in San Pietro, Montalcino, Italy Notice the Sputnik Satellite like device that some consider to be a stylized representation of the Earth |
Glorification of the Eucharist" - From: A UFO in Pianello?
But what’s this strange object in the upper centre? What is it that sits between God the Father and God the Son, directly below the Dove? Is it not a shining almost metallic coloured sphere with a strange glow rising at the top? And what are those two long straight rods attached to the surface of the sphere? The rods appear to widen at the bottom to form a round base on the sphere, while at the very tip of the narrow end of the rod, we find a tiny round ball. Why is God the Father holding on to one rod, and God the Son holding the other? Are these rods some kind of antennae? Look again at the sphere. What is that small round tube shaped protrusion at the bottom left? It is very evident to the eye, but could it be possible? Is it a telescope…or a tiny telecamera? Perhaps you remember man’s first venture into space, the years of the ‘sputniks’? This painting has Ufologists baffled because this sphere is uncannily reminiscent of early satellites launched into space during the 1950’s. The Vangard II satellite launched by the USA in 1959, for example. This painting was put to canvas in the year 1600. What did Bonaventura Salimbeni see in the skies above Sienese territory more than four hundred years ago? What on earth – or in space – prompted him to depict the Holy Trinity in this strange manner? |
~ "The Assumption of the Virgin" ~
Painted circa 1490 ~ by an unknown artist.
Saucer shaped "clouds" intrigue modern ufologists.
Could so many have appeared in the sky at one time?
Or, are the hat shaped UFOs depicted so numerous here
to -punctuate- certain events as being particularly holy?
In this painting on wood drawer from furniture kept at the
Earls D’Oltremond, in Belgium,
Moses is depicted receiving the tablets of the Ten Commandments, with "flaming
Several equally flaming objects are in the sky before him ~ date and artist
are unknown.
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Domino or "cigar shaped" craft also appear in ancient art ~ Notabilia
Temporum by Angelo de Tummulillis
(left) describes a "flaming girder" sighted in February 1465 the sky
during the reign of Enrico IV
~ a similar renaissance illustration (right) of a UFO sighting in that occurred
in Rome
detailed in the book "Prodigiorum Liber" by Roman historian Julio
The caption translates: "Something like a sort of weapon, or missile,
rose with a great noise from the earth and soared into the sky."
They resemble the monoliths featured in the movie 2001.
In this ancient Mandarin Chinese painting,
the characters are dressed alike, in blue and black.
Also, the bald heads are reminiscent of the classic Grays.
The flags depicted resemble flames, as from a rocket's exhaust
while the tassels look like helmets and faces can almost be made out
creating the general impression of robed beings - possibly symbolic spirits?
Caption: "These two people want to go on a journey by cart towards the
West wind.
After 1000 miles they meet the East wind and then decide to return" (loosely
Although not solid evidence that the ancient Chinese knew of alien visitors,
or their sky carts,
there are enough tantalizing clues in the illustration and text to suggest an
ancient UFO sighting.
These two tapestries were created in the 15th century.
Both are located at the French Basillica Notre-Dame in Beaune, Burgandy.
Hat shaped objects can be clearly seen in both tapestries which depict the life
of Mary.
The above tapestry is entitled "The Magnificat" ~ the below tapestry's
title is unknown.
~ England UFO Sighting from 1742 ~ ~ UFO Sighting from Westminster, England in 1742 ~ This is a scan from Vol. 42 of the Philosophical Transactions 1742 describing a UFO sighting that occurred on the 16th of December in that year. Below is a contemporary reconstruction depicting the object with the colors described. |
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As I was returning home from the Royal
Society to Westminster ~~~~~~~~~~ and went on to the N. by E. .Point over the Houses.
It seemed A seemed to be a light Flame, turning backwards from
the Resist |
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UFO sighting from Windsor Castle - August 18, 1783
From: Historical Artwork and UFOs by Matthew Hurley
The above illustration depicts a sighting that occurred at 9.45pm on the evening
of 18th August 1783 when four witnesses on the terrace of Windsor Castle observed
a luminous object in the skies of the Home Counties of England. The sighting
was recorded the following year in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society. According to this report, witnesses observed an oblong cloud moving
more or less parallel to the horizon. Under this cloud could be seen a luminous
object which soon became spherical, brilliantly lit, which came to a halt; This
strange sphere seemed at first to be pale blue in colour but then its luminosity
increased and soon it set off again towards the east. Then the object changed
direction and moved parallel to the horizon before disappearing to the south-east;
the light it gave out was prodigious; it lit up everything on the ground. The
image was captured in this by Thomas Sandby (a founder of the Royal Academy)
and his brother Paul, both of whom witnessed the event.
17th Century fresco depicting the Crucifixion of Christ,
located in the Svetishoveli Cathedral in Mtskheta, Georgia.
Notice the two saucer shaped objects on either side of Christ
~ complete with stylized flames, blasting off in either direction.
In the two blow ups (below) you can see that they contain faces.
Certainly ancient UFOs were associated with the highest of divinity
~ but were the requisite lights perhaps thought to be the eyes of angels?
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Image from the French book
~"The Miracle of the Snow" ~ |
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Illustration of a Nuremburg UFO sighting, April 14, 1561. Held at the Wickiana Collection ~ in the Zurich Central Library From a woodcut by Hans Glasser, it appeared in a local broadsheet (see caption quoted below). |
A 1479 sighting over Arabia, from "Prodigiorum Ac Ostentorum Chronicon" by Conrad Lycosthenes Originally published in 1557, the book is held at the Australian Museum Research Library. |
"The globes, crosses and tubes began to fight one another,
and this went on for an hour. Then they all fell to earth, as if on
fire, and faded slowly away producing a lot of steam. Afterwards a black
spear-like object was seen, and the whole event was taken to be a divine
warning." |
Broadsheet picture by Samuel Coccius illustrates many flaming and "large
black globes"
that were repoted to have appeared in the skies over Basel, Switzerland in 1566.
From the Wickiana Collection, Zurich Central Library, Switzerland.
This 15th century fresco from Kiev
seems to show Jesus in a rocket type device.
Notice that the attendants seem to be wearing helmets
like the glass globe space helmets from popular science fiction
~ more than simple haloes, these completely encircle the heads.
UFO sighting over Hamburg, Germany ~ on November 4, 1697
The objects were described as being "two glowing wheels"
Note: if the round object on the far right is the moon,
the UFOs were either very low or very large.
Notice also the many people pointing
~ this was likely a famous event.
UFO Sighting over Angers France, in 842 AD
(artist and date unknown)
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These images from the 12th century manuscript "Annales Laurissenses"
(Latin for "volumes" or "books" about "historical and
religious" events)
depicts the Saxon siege of Sigiburg Castle, France, in the year 776.
The Crusaders had the medieval French completely surrounded
when the "flaming shields" suddenly appeared in the sky;
(the manuscript reports this as being over a church).
Assuming the French were being protected,
the Saxons fled in fear from the UFOs.
"La Tebaide" ~ Academy of Florence, painted c.1460-1465
by Paolo Uccello
The close-up (right) shows a reddish, classic saucer shaped UFO near Jesus.
In addition, the tall pine trees in the foreground display the same patterns
as seen in the lenticular clouds of other similar religious UFO paintings.
UFO sighting
by two Dutch ships - North Sea, 1660 From: Historical Artwork and UFOs by Matthew Hurley |
The illustration depicts a sighting
by two Dutch ships in the North Sea of an object moving slowly in the
sky. It appeared to be made by two disks of different size. The source
for this account is one of the books entitled, "Theatrum Orbis
Terrarum" by Admiral Blaeu. These books were compilations of articles
by different authors and consisted of detailed accounts of long engagements
at sea, cartography information etc. |
"Summer's Triumph" ~ tapestry created in Bruges, in 1538 ~ Bayerisches
National Museum.
Several disc shaped objects are clearly depicted in the sky, near the top of
the tapestry.
The inclusion of "hat ships" in this work may have been a shrewd political
designed to sway local opinion, by connecting UFOs to the current rulers
~ and therefore claiming divine intervention in their ascent to power.
This illustration depicts the sighting of a burning wheel over Japan, in the
year 900 AD.
The winged creature on the left may be seen waving to, or flying away from the
~ but more likely waving goodbye to the two venerable monks on the right,
who may symbolically represent Grays, (artist and date unknown).
Many ancient Eastern cultures are known to have advanced,
incongruous knowledge of science that may be explained
by an exchange of knowledge with extraterrestrials.
Could this image be depicting an actual event?
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Nankin, China ~ September 28, 1890 Drawn by painter Wu You-run, one of over 100 gathered on the Shu Que bridge, to see a "red fireball that moved slowly to the east." The UFO (faint, circled) is described as "looking like an egg but not shining." An old man said, "when the ball appeared, I heard a very loud sound like running man." |
Haratonohama, Hitachi, Japan ~ 1803
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Historical Artwork and UFOs by Matthew Hurley
The above image comes from the
10th Century Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit text "Prajnaparamita
Sutra", held at a Japanese museum. In the enlargement you can see
two objects that look like hats, but why are they floating in mid air?
Also one of them appears to have port holes on it. Indian Vedic texts
are full of descriptions of Vimanas. The Ramayana describes Vimanas
as a double decked, circular or cylindrical aircraft with portholes
and a dome. It flew with "the speed of the wind" and gave
forth a "melodious sound." Does anyone have any information on this image? [below] You can just make out six silvery saucer shaped objects. |
~ UFO Coin, 1680 ~
French Medal apparently commemorating
a UFO sighting of a wheel like object in Renaissance France